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Welvaartsziekten komen steeds vaker voor en in deze aflevering bespreek ik overgewicht en obesitas en de 13 aan leefstijl gerelateerde kankersoorten.
- 0:48 Oorzaken van overgewicht.
- 1:48 Bepalen van overgewicht (BMI en taille).
- 3:28 Subcutaan en visceraal vet.
- 4:34 Orgaanvervetting (NAFL).
- 6:53 Ontstekingen.
- 9:03 Leptineresistentie.
- 11:43 De aan welvaartsziekten gelinkte kankersoorten en mogelijke oorzaken.
- 16:25 Gebrek aan autofagie.
- 18:04 Vasten en kanker.
- 20:02 Wat helpt tegen de welvaartsziekten?
- Oorzaken van overgewicht (door de jaren heen) | Gewichtsconsulent Amanda
- Ultra-processed food consumption and adult obesity risk: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis
- BMI, Taille, WHR, WHtR, BMR en vetpercentage. | Gewichtsconsulent Amanda
- Visceraal vet | Gewichtsconsulent Amanda
- Leververvetting – Maag Lever Darm Stichting en Niet-alcoholische leververvetting (NAFLD NASH) – Maag Lever Darm Stichting
- Global prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in the overweight and obese population: a systematic review and meta-analysis (pdf)
- Fructose and Sugar: A Major Mediator of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- Obesity and osteoarthritis: more complex than predicted! | Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
- Obesity is associated with coronary artery stenosis independently of metabolic risk factors: The population-based SCAPIS study – Atherosclerosis
- Obesity-Associated Neurodegeneration Pattern Mimics Alzheimer’s Disease in an Observational Cohort Study – IOS Press
- Higher Body Mass Index is Associated with Episodic Memory Deficits in Young Adults – Lucy G. Cheke, Jon S. Simons, Nicola S. Clayton, 2016
- Ectopic Fat Accumulation in Pancreas and Heart – PMC
- The role of adipose tissue M1/M2 macrophages in type 2 diabetes mellitus – PMC
- Visceral fat and insulin resistance – what we know?
- COVID-19 mortality and the overweight: Cross-Country Evidence – ScienceDirect
- Heterogeneity of adipose tissue in development and metabolic function
- Leptin, Obesity, and Leptin Resistance: Where Are We 25 Years Later?
- Association between serum leptin concentration and white blood cell count in middle-aged Japanese men and women | Sci-Hub
- Responses of Leptin to Short-Term Fasting and Refeeding in Humans: A Link With Ketogenesis but Not Ketones Themselves | Diabetes
- An Evolutionary Perspective on Why Food Overconsumption Impairs Cognition – PMC
- Higher Body Mass Index is Associated with Episodic Memory Deficits in Young Adults – Lucy G. Cheke, Jon S. Simons, Nicola S. Clayton, 2016
- Obesity and osteoarthritis: more complex than predicted! | Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
- Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Health, Aging, and Disease | Sci-Hub
- Effects of Resistance Training on Cytokines | Sci-Hub
- Het belang van voldoende bewegen. | Gewichtsconsulent Amanda
- Human Capital Model – Kenniscentrum Sport en Bewegen
- Darmmicrobioom | Gewichtsconsulent Amanda
- Leisure-time physical activity and risk of 26 types of cancer in 1.44 million adults
- Changes in insulin resistance indicators, IGFs, and adipokines in a year-long trial of aerobic exercise in postmenopausal women
- Mechanisms Linking Excess Adiposity and Carcinogenesis Promotion
- Differential Roles of Insulin Receptor Substrates in the Anti-apoptotic Function of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 and Insulin
- Is early- onset cancer an emerging global epidemic? Current evidence and future implications
- Kankersoorten | Kanker.nl
- Effect of lifestyle and dietary factors in the development of brain tumors – PMC
- Association Between Genetic Risk, Adherence to Healthy Lifestyle Behavior, and Thyroid Cancer Risk | Endocrinology | JAMA Network Open
- Hoe ontstaat kanker?
- Insulin resistance in patients with cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Endocrine-related cancers and the role of AMPK | Sci-Hub
- Obesity and cancer pathogenesis – PMC
- Current Evidence and Directions for Intermittent Fasting During Cancer Chemotherapy
- Onderzoek naar vastendieet bij borstkanker • Nieuws voor diëtisten
- Cancer | WHO
- Kanker voorkomen | KWF Kankerbestrijding
- Food processing and cancer risk in Europe: results from the prospective EPIC cohort study – The Lancet Planetary Health
- Vlees minderen | Gewichtsconsulent Amanda
- Gezond ouder worden | Gewichtsconsulent Amanda
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Ps: pollen blijven irritant.